> It's muffler time, and the mild steel stock type is all I really
> need, since this one went eight years and only went belly up
> internally due to some serious backfiring. Is there any
> difference in quality or sound between the ones offered by the
> usual sources? Any one not worth considering? All about
AFAIK, all of the mild steel TR6 mufflers and pipes that are sold by the Big
3 (& me) are produced by Walker. Walker is an aftermarket auto parts
manufacturer that basically copies the original designs pretty well and uses
OEM quality materials. Your use period of about 8 years seems about right
for a mild steel system, and the Walkers are no exception, you'll get decent
use out of it.
Bosal used to make TR mufflers, and they still offer a few pipes, but most
of the Bosal warehouses have not had any TR mufflers in stock for a long
Kai M. Radicke
Wishbone Classics
* British Car Parts *
Ph: 215.945.7250