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Pros/Cons of organizing an LBC Club

To: 6-Pack <6pack@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Pros/Cons of organizing an LBC Club
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 22:26:18 -0500
I hang out with a local group of LBC fans here in Binghamton NY. We have grown 
from about 6 
"members" to about 20.

We meet once a month for beer and burgers and talk -- no club -- no officers -- 
no web site -- no 

Some of us would like to get better organized and sponsor events such as car 
shows or social events 
such as picnics, Holiday dinner dance, whatever.

There is some concern/questions about the liabilities of becoming organized: 
the need for officers, 
dues, bank accounts, insurance for events in case someone gets hurt and decides 
to sue the club's 
officers etc.

I'm sure many of you have been through this -- any suggestions or observations 
would be helpful.


Don Malling

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