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Brake bleeding question

To: 6Pack@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Brake bleeding question
From: "Walter Fogle" <lbc4me@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 16:20:15 +0000
Hello List:

I just installed a new brake MC.  I now want to completely flush and bleed 
the system.  Is it necessary to have both ends of the car on jack stands 
during this process?  It would seem that, since air bubbles will rise, that 
it's possible to do one end at a time without jacking the whole car.  (I 
neglected to "bench bleed" the MC so I'll have to remove it one time to do 
that.  Dang!)

  Your input is appreciated.

Walt Fogle
'72 TR6

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