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Driving Opportunity

To: net@lists.mv.net
Subject: Driving Opportunity
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:51:56 -0400 (EDT)

Note: I'm posting this to several lists - sorry for the cross posts, and
if you live outside New England, you can probably ignore this post
altogether... I'm trying to reach a wide audience in New England or the
northeast US.

New England Region SCCA Solo programme is holding the annual "team
challenge" autocross this coming Saturday (30-Oct-2004) at Ft. Devens in
Ayer, MA. The gist of the event is that individuals form up teams of 4
drivers to compete for either best on-course cumulative time or other
stuff (like best team concept, best team uniform, etc.).

The event is a tad different this year in that the the "net proceeds" of
the event will be donated to The Hole in the Wall Camps in the name of
Omer Norton (51 year SCCA member and membership chair for New England
Region for at least the last 30 years!) who passed away in late September.
So - this is not only an autocross, but a charitable event.

It's also a fun event, where the emphasis is on FUN more than WINNING. So
there's less pressure - the event is more laid back that a typical NER
Solo 2 event.

We'd like YOU to participate!

To sweeten the pot, I'm  making an offer. Well, two really.

If you are interested in driving a well prepared car, I am offering seats
in both my TR6's for the event. Car Won is a '74 TR6 with a healthy motor
and fairly good suspension. The tires are street tires, so you can't get
into too much trouble, but the car is quite capable for any driver. Khartu
is a '73 TR6 that is prepared to SCCA F Prepared specs. This is an all-out
race car and vary capable of winning FP, AP or even E Mod within the

If you think you want to drive one of these cars, please contact me off
list by e-mail or at home (781-438-2568) before 10 PM (EDT) any night this
week. I am not asking for any money to drive the cars, but I may require
that you post a charitable donation to the region (ostensibly to Hole in
the Wall Gang). I'll provide the tires, fuel, oil and support for free.
Keep in mind that Khartu uses about $2 of fuel per RUN and about $8-10
worth of tires per RUN... so my commitment is not insignificant.

If we get enough interest, we should be able to field a TEAM of Triumphs,
perhaps TWO TEAMS of Triumphs as we have done in the past. Whether we win
is hardly the point, I'd like to see New England TRiumphs donate a min. of
$100 to the Hole in the Wall Gang.

And if you don't want to drive one of my cars, come anyway and drive your
Triumph or Honda or whatever. Or come and watch... errr CREW for the team.

The second part of the offer is that I will try to be available for ride
alongs for instruction, chiding, humiliation or whatever you want from a
ride along instructor. The region is very keen on getting more drivers out
there - I wanna help YOU get interested.

Keep in mind that I have all winter to rebuild the cars... 



p.s. for information on the Hole in the Wall Gang - set your browser to
p.p.s. this is obviously a first come, first served offer, so don't sit on
the pot on this one!
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-linux-help      |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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