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Elecrical dilemma

To: vance.navarrette@intel.com
Subject: Elecrical dilemma
From: DaCRANEz@aol.com
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 00:16:25 EDT
Thanks for responding as no one else did.  When the engine is running the amp 
guage does show that the alternater is charging.  I suspect a ground problem 
but I don't at this point know where to look.  I have isolated every light 
socket, the dimmer switch, turn signal circuit. I am just baffled why this 
crosses over through two of the three circuits of such a simple electrical 
My next move is to replace both relays as well as the fuse holder. By the way 
the flashers work fine in any mode.  The common denominators seem to be either 
the ingnition switch or headlight switch 
but I cannot find fault in either one.  I know that after owning several Brit 
cars the solution will be one of those brow thumps but this has me upside 
Thanks for responding

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