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RE: fastner info

To: "Kronberg, Peter" <peter.kronberg@hp.com>, <6pack@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: fastner info
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 10:14:39 -0700

        Many of the pictures are simply no longer available. I *think*
that the web archive site is only archiving the text, and goes out to
the Buckeye server to get the pictures. If the pictures get purged from
the Buckeye server, you cannot obtain them at all. I am guessing that
eventually Nelson will purge all the files on the Buckeye server, and
then NO pictures will be available.
        Some (most?) of the pictures are still obtainable, but if you
try to get Internet explorer to save them, it can't find them (even
though they are viewable). I think this is because IE will look for the
pictures on the archive server rather than going out to the Buckeye
server. IE does not seem to deal with the two hops needed to get the
picture when you try to save the web page. Why it wants to download the
picture again when it already has displayed the picture is beyond me,
but that is what it seems to do. Blame Bill Gates for that one.
        What I finally ended up doing was to open the page in IE, then
right click and do a "Select all". Then click "Copy". Then I opened a
new "blank web page" in MS Word, and do a 'paste'. Word seems to be
smart enough to deal with the two hops needed to get the pictures (It
doesn't seem to retrieve them from the IE buffer, rather it downloads
them all over again. Once again, I do not know why). I then save the
file as a web archive (*.mht) file, which embeds the pictures in the
file itself. It is rather circuitous, but it works. This will NOT make
pictures magically appear that are no longer on the Buckeye server,
however, so some photos will be missing.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kronberg, Peter [mailto:peter.kronberg@hp.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 9:47 AM
To: Navarrette, Vance
Subject: RE: fastner info

Hey Vance,
Thanks for the alternative site for Nelson's articles. I've downloaded
as many as possible...but alas- the pics didn't get saved. Any tricks to
saving these articles w/ the pics intact?

Thanks in advance,


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