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End of Triumphest

To: 6pack@Autox.Team.Net, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, tr6@atlasok.com
Subject: End of Triumphest
From: TRDOCTOR@aol.com
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 03:40:09 EDT
Carol and I just arrived home this morning (1:30am) from Triumphest.   We 
left yesterday after the group photo.  We had breakfast and ended up  leaving 
around 11am.  We stayed the night at Park City, UT.  Left  there about 6:30 
(central time) and arrived home at the above time.  We  went through 5 states 
it took 17 hours pulling a trailer.  Carol,  trouper she is, gave me a break by 
driving a tank of fuel (about 4 hours) and  let me get some sleep and rest.  
I don't sleep worth beans in a car or  airplane usually.  I actually got about 
an hour of sleep.  I haven't  figured the mileage yet but the TRuck 
definitely needs an oil change.  Two  weeks ago it was 6-PACK TRials in 
Man, what a vacation!!
Sam and Carol Clark

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