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Re: Oil Filter Adapter

To: "Jim Berg" <jberg@bepc.com>,
Subject: Re: Oil Filter Adapter
From: "Theodore R. Stevens" <trstevens@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 10:10:47 -0400
At 09:28 AM 9/2/2004, Jim Berg wrote:
>I have owned my 1976 TR6 now for 25 years and I finally have on order an oil
>filter adapter. For years I have been cursing the canister and finally got
>really tired of it and ordered the adapter.   Are there any tricks to
>getting this adapter installed?  Anything one needs to know or does this
>adapter just bolt up straight up and down?  Thanks in advance!!

You'll probably have to mount it at a slight angle to clear the clutch 
master cylinder. Mine (a Mocal) came with 2 different thickness 
square-section O-rings, some modeling clay, and instructions on how to 
determine, using the clay, which ring to use (I don't have the instructions 
any more, or remember what they entailed).  Make sure there are no ancient, 
hard O-rings remaining in the sealing groove.
Ted Stevens     trstevens@earthlink.net
'74 TR6 Gaithersburg, MD

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