I needed to share my partial joy with the group. I'll explain partial later.
I visited the car at the paint shop for the last time today. It was pulled out
into the yard under it's own power and on the second turn of the key. She
hadn't been started in maybe three weeks. I pulled it into the grass near the
white picket fence for a few photos, the body work and paint work is top
notch. To remind a few people I did the body work ( 3 months of sanding!!!!),
but not the paint. It's been 12 years since I've done any and hopefully many
more than that till I do any again. Never would be too soon!!!
Since the shop is in the country the car was begging to be taken for a spin
maybe 1 mile total as the brakes need to be bled once again and the 2.5 gallon
"fuel cell" was pretty low. Oh the sweet rasp of the six was music to my ears.
She quickly revved to the yellow without any hesitation. It was a nice short
sprint. Looks like it will be a long and hopefully enjoyable weekend putting
all the new chrome, refurbished lights back on the car. This is the fun
To get back to explain my "partial" joy, I asked the painter what was owed
and it was considerably more than I anticipated. He quoted me a minimum and
max price at the beginning. I mentioned to price it as if he did it all and to
expect some help. Mind you I did use his shop for three months and only had
him spray primmer, undercoat, final coat, and he helped me out with both doors
when I was having problems. I just never expected to be charged his Maximum
quote, considering all the work I did.
The paint work is top notch but 90% of paintwork starts with what's
underneath. I guess as time goes by I'll forget about the cost, but right now
it seems pretty steep. Yeah I had to have new chrome too!!!!
Richard Seaton
View My restoration @