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Speedo cable to "J" OD question/help please

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Speedo cable to "J" OD question/help please
From: Pat Leask <pleask@shaw.ca>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 17:24:05 -0700
I need some help please!
I'm asking this group my question as only you guys have the answer. I have a
TVR 2500M that uses the TR6 drive train. After much waiting (long story) I
finally have (almost <G> ) my "J" type overdrive ready to install. The
fellow building it says all he needs is the part that the speedo cable
connects to, sort of.
He said that he has the shaft, seals etc but not the threaded part that the
cable attaches to. Now, I know there is supposed to be a "90 degree" adapter
used on the TR6. So here are my questions:
1. I may have enough room in the tubular chassis of the TVR that I do not
need this adapter, if so DO I need the adapter anyway in order to thread the
cable on to the trans (OD) ?
2. If so, do you happen to have a spare adapter in a box  you could part
with ?
3. Is this the part that threads on to "something" on the trans to ALLOW the
cable to thread on to it? Or is it simply an adapter sits between the cable
and the threads on the trans?
4. If I don't need this adapter WILL the male (?) threads that receives the
speedo cable on my regular trans be able to move over to my "J" type OD unit
or do I have to get this part specific to the OD?
5. Do you have this part if so?
Did I make sense? <G>
Thanks, Pat
Victoria BC

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