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Fuel line connection resolved

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Fuel line connection resolved
From: "Buzz Osborn" <bosborn@americanbank.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 09:48:18 -0500
Thanks to all that responded regarding the compression fitting at the carb 
side of the pump.  Several good suggestions, but Brooks Bullock takes the 
prize with the following idea - posted here FYI.  Worked like a charm and 
took about ten minutes.

Hi Buzz,

I resolved this issue twice now, once on my car and once on another. By
using two ferrules, just grind both down and putting the new machined 
mating each other,<_||_> so as to equal the length of the original
unobtainable ferrule(sleeve). I have removed the pipe a couple of times 
even reused the ferrules, once the are tightened they are there to stay.

Good Luck

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