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Re: front spring turret - i'm in big trouble

To: "Loriot, George" <George_Loriot@Brown.edu>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: front spring turret - i'm in big trouble
From: Greg Dito <dito9561@bellsouth.net>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 11:23:24 -0400

Don't give last rites just yet! If I understand your description of where the 
crack is, you're referring to the weld line that runs along the circular top 
edge of the 'box' section that is welded to the suspension spring cup.  This is 
a common TR problem and can easily be rewelded.   There are actually a number 
of suspect areas that need a going over including the steering rack mount 
brackets that another lister mentioned a day or so ago.  However, if your 
turret is completely unattached then there is more welding needed as the lower 
section of the 'box' is also welded to the spring cup.  Hopefully there is no 
damage to the structure.

As far as replacing the whole turret, even TR chassis fabricators such as CTM 
Engineering in the UK attach used turret assemblies as it is not economically 
feasible to make them new nowadays.  Combination of of low demand and very high 
cost of tooling.  If you have to replace the whole assembly then find one off 
of a rusted chassis.  It's not as hard to find one as you might think.  But I 
do not believe you really need to pursue this avenue.  Find a good welding shop 
that will come to your car.  Many do 'house calls'.  I had this done to my 250 
years ago for the same problem.

Greg Dito

> The left front spring 'turret' has cracked making the car undriveable, at 
>least safely....  Have any of you folks had this problem?  Is there some way 
>around it, or are my TR6 days over? 
> George Loriot
> 1976 TR6  

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