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RE: 1968 TR6?

To: "T.J.Boesken" <tboesken@one.net>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: 1968 TR6?
From: "Shawn J. Loseke" <sloseke@holly.colostate.edu>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 08:10:13 -0600
The longer you own your TR6, the more often you will encounter this. 
Especially when someone is remembering somebody else's ownership of a vehicle 
they weren't very familiar with in the first place. I had one gent, who after 
hearing of my TR6 ownership, go into great length about his his own TR6. Then 
he told me that his biggest complaint with the car was faulty motors for the 
headlights. (for those rare pop-up headlights)
 Sometimes it's best to just nod and agree and let them on their way. Most 
don't want an education on the subject.

Shawn J. Loseke
1972 TR6
Fort Collins, CO

>===== Original Message From "T.J.Boesken" <tboesken@one.net> =====
>Is there such a thing as a 1968 TR6? I encountered a guy over the weekend
>who after complimenting my 6, said his dad had a 1968 TR6. I told him, I
>didn't think the 6 was made until '69 and explained that the 250, only made
>in '68, was a result of the 6 engine being put in a modified TR4 body. In
>'69 the new 6 body style was born. He insisted his dad's car was a '68 with
>the same body style as my '73. Were there late '68 models produced with the
>TR6 body?
>Timothy J. Boesken
>T. J. Boesken Enterprises, Inc.
>4712 Vine Street
>Cincinnati, OH 45217-1254
>e-Mail: tboesken@tjbelectric.com

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