Oh great list(s),
I bid on & won an e-bay auction recently for a luggage rack for my TR250.
The type that does not require any drilling to install. I'd planned on
having it rechromed and I got it for a good price. I verified that the
brackets were included & they were pictured on the auction page as well.
It was shipped via UPS & it turns out the driver side mounting bracket is
missing. The nut & bolt were in the box, but not the bracket. There was a
3" slit up one edge of the box & perhaps it came out there. I've been in
contact with UPS & they're going to have the local guy check his truck, but
I'm not counting on finding it.
Does anyone know of a source for the bracket or perhaps does someone have
one used? I'm not planning on buying another just for one little bracket.
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