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Brits By The Bay British Car Show

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Brits By The Bay British Car Show
From: Gary Klein <tr6guy@cablespeed.com>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 16:57:10 -0400
List Members,

If you live on the central East coast of the US or will be visiting this area 
in late July, I invite you to check out TRiumphs Around the Chesapeake, TRAC's, 
Third Annual "Brits By The Bay" British car show, on Saturday, July 31, 2004.  
BBTB is held in Downs Park in Pasadena, MD, located on the shores of the 
Chesapeake Bay.

Currently, pre-registration is open for $12.  If you are one of the FIRST 100 
PRE-REGISTERED ENTRANTS, you will also receive a FREE BBTB T-Shirt.

Please check out the TRAC web site at:   www.tracltd.org   for the link to this 
year's Brits By The Bay page for more show and contact information.  From there 
you can download a .pdf application from our website.

Photo's from our first two shows are available for viewing at: 

Please Note:  SORRY, but this year TRAC must limit the field to 150 Cars so 
register early!

Cheers, and hope to see you at BBTB 2004!

Gary Klein
TRAC's BBTB 2004 Chairman

TRAC donates a portion of the profits from BBTB to the Friends of Downs Park, 

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