Thanks for all the replies.
I pulled the alternator and had it tested at the shop. The rectifiers and
diodes are fried. He is fixing for free, but it is a big pain since the unit
was rebuilt about a year ago.
The guy at the shop says that I have a problem with the charging system and
guessed that it was the (external) regulator. I've ordered a new regulator
from Moss (tried TRF, but out of stock). Hope this fixes the problem as the
show is on Saturday.
'68 TR250
on 4/25/04 10:52 PM, Ken Davis at wrote:
> from past experience with other british cars, I can offer two possibilities.
> 1 -- the voltage stabilizer - behind he dash - may have a short in it, and
> 2, -- where I put my (imaginary) money is the rectifiers and regulator
> within the alternator has a problem. The 3-4 second cycle time you mentioned
> is probably about right for a short or loose connector in the alt to cycle
> thru it's failure/recovery mode. May be all wet here, but figure it's a
> starting point for you
>> Every 3-4 seconds, the ign light comes on then goes off. At the same time,
>> the amp gauge lurches to the left. I'm not sure what is going on.