Brian---I've never had to set the preload in a differential with the
collapsible spacer, so I can't tell you if you've messed up. The ones
I've had apart had the solid spacer & shim pack to set the pinion to the
crown wheel. Others may offer a way out of this, but with me not knowing
any better, it would seem like you could just retighten the pinion nut,
being careful to not collapse the spacer any more than what the book
says. (& lose the end float)
I was told these collapsible spacers have been replaced with the solid
spacer/shim style.
Follow a good manual on this. I used the Bentley, and the Haynes. Plus
had help from Berry and Bob for the first go 'round.
If there's a difference between the Triumph and US manufacturers diffs,
I'm not aware of it. Again, I would suspect if your mechanic friend has
rebuilt the US kind, he would have no trouble fixing up one for the TR,
even if he had to substitute for the collapsible spacer style.