Hi Jim,
It's my understanding that the exhaust headers are all the same from
68-76, but the intake manifold changed in 72. 68-71 use the "boxy"
intake manifold and 72-76 use the long runner sweep intake manifold.
I've also been told that some after market exhaust headers take
advantage of the shape of the later intake manifolds and may have
trouble fitting an engine using the early boxy intake manifold.
The two middle intake ports are closer together on the 68-71 heads than
on the 72-76 heads.
Don Malling
Jim Jones wrote:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2471951780
> This is a 69 engine being sold by TS Enterprises (Ted Schumacher?). I know I
>should know the answer to this, but I don't. Will my aftermarket headers (they
>actually fit pretty well!) and stock intake manifold fit the 69 head?
> thanks, list!