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RE: Need help identifying object

To: "'George Richardson'" <gprtech@frontiernet.net>
Subject: RE: Need help identifying object
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 17:53:44 -0500
I believe George's analysis is correct.  This large bright orb, also known
as "the Sun", hung around most of the day, and appeared to have a warming
effect on body and even LBC.  

There should be a governmental agency in charge of keeping track of this
thing though.  I believe its effects can be deleterious to oneself.  I was
sitting at a light in previously mentioned LBC about to enter expressway,
with unknown car to my right.  I didn't look since it gave off no quality
sonorous sounds.  The fact that I had overlooked a new S2000, with the top
up of course, apparently angered the driver enough to speed off at a rate
slightly quicker than my TR6 was capable.

However, if I had known he was there, it would have been fun to take off
with more enthusiasm just to press him a bit more.

Rice burner aside, I think that we should all do some Kum Ba Ya's or
something to get this big round thing to come around more often - I think
it's a good thing.

R. Ashford Little II

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-triumphs@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-triumphs@autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of George Richardson
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 3:55 PM
To: R. Ashford Little II
Cc: 6-Pack; Triumphs@autox. Net
Subject: Re: Need help identifying object

It's called "the sun" or sometimes "Sol". I understand that it's the 
star that the Earth  (our world) orbits. I saw it for a brief period 
yesterday, and it's been visible most of today. I'm suprised astronomers 
haven't warned us about this.

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