Oh, honorable 6 Pack,
This may pose as a weird case to the collective, but I was looking at the
three carbs for my triple ZS setup and noticed that the jet is pushed down
further in the carb body on the two 1969 TR6 carbs than on the 68 TR250 carbs
which I have. It is a noticeable difference. The reason this is important to
me is that the mixture will be leaner for the added middle carb (TR250). What
puzzles me is that the 68 and 69 carbs should be the same.
So this created a problem and I decided to check the difference between the
I removed the dashpot cover and air valve and took measurements from the top
of the carb inside the throat to the edge of the jet.
Measurements from top of aluminum body to the top edge of jet
Jet Recession
"68 Clean carb .032"
"68 Dirty carb body .043"
"69 Front Carb (rebuilt) .081"
"69 Rear Carb (rebuilt) .100"
Now my main question, Will it be OK to adjust the Jet by tapping the jet
either up or down while being careful as no to damage the soft brass? I
assume these are only press fit so it shouldn't be a problem. I don't intend
to remove them just to get all three nearer to equal. I will shoot for the
.081" recession of the jet.
Thanks for any and all input,
Richard Seaton
View My restoration @ (http://groups.msn.com/Richards69TR6Restoration)