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RE: Pics needed of Saffron TR6 w/ Hardtop

To: "'Navarrette, Vance'" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>,
Subject: RE: Pics needed of Saffron TR6 w/ Hardtop
From: "Jim Davis" <jdavis344@bellsouth.net>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 17:25:22 -0500
I like Saffron also..and I really like Mimosa, but some folks I know
have told me they think Mimosa is an ugly color (before they knew my car
was Mimosa). The only colors of TR6 I don't care for is Maple and Russet
brown. Point is, we all have different tastes and colors like Saffron,
Magenta and Mimosa aren't for everyone. But that's OK! As long as you
like it, who cares?
IMHO, all colors look best with the hardtop in the same color as the

Jim Davis
Fortson, GA


        Saffron is a long ways from Velveeta cheese colored! I think it
is very nice looking.

        You have prompted me to ask a similar question of the list; What

do people think of a hardtop not painted to match the rest of the car? I
am thinking of painting mine black (car is mimosa yellow) when I repaint
the car.
        I had a Z28 Camaro that had a black roof and a blue body. I
found I really liked it. Made the car look kinda "high tech".
        Has anyone tried this? Anyone have any pictures?



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