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All Fads come back in style

To: "6 Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: All Fads come back in style
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 20:57:19 -0500
 I thought this was funny, You know how people always ask what type of car
your driving. Well, I was at Advance Auto buying some oil which was on sale
and the guy said," Do you need an oil filter?" Well, me being somewhat of a
SA, I said," Well if you have one for a Triumph."  I was taken back when he
replied, " We do carry some motorcycle filters." I must give the 20 year old
some credit for his response. Who ever thought that a Triumph motorcycle would
be recognized over the car. Hey since they brought the bike back, why not the

Richard Seaton
View My restoration @ (http://groups.msn.com/Richards69TR6Restoration)

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