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Re: Painting Questions

To: "TR6 list" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Painting Questions
From: "Gary Fluke" <res0s0t7@verizon.net>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 21:21:54 -0700

My 6 has never had any body damage and the rocker areas are as original.
The coating looks to be nothing more than black undercoating.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dwayne Cooper" <dc_bruin@hotmail.com>
To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:57 PM
Subject: Painting Questions

> I've got the 74 almost ready to be stripped of its very bad non original
> paint job and have started trying to figure out a few things about the
> original color schemes.
> First, my car seems to have some sort of stone-guard-type covering on the
> bottom of the rocker panels.  It starts below the trim piece and is
> currently painted the body color.  I was looking at the white car on the
> cover of the recent Moss catalog, and it looks like the rocker panels are
> black.  Is the stoneguard stuff original (maybe a dealer option)?  If so,
> what is the correct color (body or black) and what's a suitable
> material?
> Second, the back of the original car is black and the jambs all around
> to be body color.  What color is the jamb around the trunk opening
> to be?  Is it body color on the sides and black (to match the rear panel)
> the rear edge?  Or is the whole thing body color with a masked edge on the
> back?
> Finally (for now), does anyone have a close up picture showing the rear
> panel that they could share?  I'm trying to figure out where the correct
> edge is for the transition from black to body color should be.  I'm sure
> in most things triumph) that this varied from painting-shift to painting
> shift, but want to see use a good example as a guide.
> Thanks,
> Dwayne

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