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Re: Commercial Messages - No More

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>, "Mike" <74@tr6world.com>
Subject: Re: Commercial Messages - No More
From: "Tom Di Iulio" <diiulio@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 20:48:17 -0600
    Man, this is a tough one! I know our moderator has laid down the law on
this one quite clearly but I'm gonna post my 2 cents anyway.
    I respect Mike's right to do whatever he wants with this list if he
is the moderator, which must certainly earn him total control. I absolutely
appreciate the work he and Mark Bradakis do to provide a forum for all
of us to share ideas and encouragement.
    I also don't like being told "do it my way or get out". At my age, I'm
inclined to accept that kind of challenge from anyone, certainly not
without an explanation which wasn't offered. If there are rules, please
share them with us all. A reason behind this rule in question might also
clear up this debate.
    It seems there is support from list members to allow "for sale"
I have certainly been helped over the years during my body-off resto by my
"list friends" and am glad to throw business their way if possible.
    I'm wondering how we've all been damaged by learning about Jim's roller
rockers and valve covers? Seems to me we've gotten access to a superior
product at a great price. By showing support, we've essentially created
another supplier
of parts for our cars. Isn't that what we all want, more options and higher
quality? I also don't want to have to go somewhere else to find out about
products when this list is where I visit every day!
    I also want to state for the record i have not purchased anything from
but I have bought items from other members over the years and nobody started
hollering about that. I'm proud to display the decals a fellow in Phoenix
as well as my "triumph mailing list" hat, all made known to me via these 2
I am a paid member of the 6-pack club and therefore feel I've earned the
right to voice my opinion as this list serves that community exclusively. As
"customer", I'm merely letting the "store owner" know what I'd like.
    I'm asking Mike to reconsider his position on members posting new items
for sale or consideration, perhaps putting it to a vote or such. I don't
want to lose access to these 2 great tr lists, but I also don't like the way
Mike's email was worded.
    I will state again I acknowledge Mike's authority to do whatever he
wants with this list. I also believe an unwillingness to consider a change
in the current policies when there may be support for such a change is
    Thank you letting me voice my opinion.
Tom Di Iulio
1976 TR6
Denver, CO

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