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Re: Opinions on cash value of my car.

To: jdavis344@bellsouth.net, quicksilver_rising@yahoo.com,
Subject: Re: Opinions on cash value of my car.
From: GSFuqua1@aol.com
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 01:05:09 EDT
Quite generous of you really Jim.  I will go you one better, that is $1.00 
dollar better!  Ha ha  I am guessing however that a more serious answer might 

Scott, the real sad truth is that you never really know the value until you 
offer it out for sale and then it will be worth only as much as the most 
interested buyer who happens to see it will think it is worth to himself.  The 
of values for our cars has been very broad.  Even on the original and very 
nicely restored ones.  Unfortunately timing does play a part in what the car 
ultimately brings in a sale.  Not just the timing of the season but the timing 
who actually sees or knows the car is for sale and is actually considering a 
purchase while it is for sale.

Personally I think that is why e-bay has become so popular.  You can cover a 
much larger group of people following the market, you can set a price via 
reserve that you would be happy with if it is met but even if you don't sell it 
you at least get some idea of what others think it is worth.  Obviously just my 
opinion and 2 cents worth.

Best regards,

Gary Fuqua
Branson, Missouri

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