Fellow Sufferers,
I saw an arm rest/console on a TR6 at the recent Palo Alto British Car
Meet. The console has a small storage compartment above the handbrake
mechanism (I wish I had taken photos!). The owner had purchased it about
10 years ago and offered to look for the receipt to find the company and
phone number. He called a few days later with the
Gassman Automotive Products
184 N. Bayard Ave
Waynesboro, VA 22980
540 949-TRMG (that's 540 949-8764)
Yesterday I spoke with Mike (the owner) and he says they used to make these
consoles and have plans to do so again a few months from now. He asked
that I send email to TRGuy@cfw.com expressing interest, and they would
contact me when the project gets closer.
Although Mike didn't say so, I assume that the more of us that express
interest the sooner this product will be available.
Does anyone on the list know this company or their (former) products? How
well have they held up, etc...?
Best Regards,
Cregg Cowan
CC 63192L ('71)