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RE: Brake MC Part?

To: <Acekraut11@aol.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Brake MC Part?
From: "Jim Davis" <jdavis344@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 08:35:28 -0400
The new m/cs I've bought had very white translucent reservoirs and a
gold finish to the m/c itself with a red plastic tag around the m/c. The
early ones arrived in a green Girling (ISTR)box but lately they've been
in red, white and blue Unipart boxes . There was a bit of reddish-brown
fluid in and around both parts that were wrapped in a brown waxed-type
paper. I assumed the fluid and wrapping paper were preservatives of some
kind and they were easily cleaned up. None had any chips or marks other
than some minor handling scratches on the plastic reservoir.
I'd send it back for one in "as new" condidion. 

Jim Davis
Fortson, GA

Hi List...
Long day traveling two hours each way twice to pick up two parts cars in
NH today.  8 hours in a truck and 4 hours loading, unloading, etc, etc.
Glad I wasnt driving.  Arrived home to find a package from TRF.  My
brake MC had arrived.  Opened the package to find the MC covered in
spots of oil, or brake fluid or something with a chip out of the metal
lip where the MC mates to the servo.  Took off the cover to the
reservoir and found some fluid (about a tablespoon) inside the
reservoir.  The plastic cover that goes over the end of the MC is
slightly damaged.  It appears that someone dropped the MC and a chip
flew off.  Also the outside metal surface isnt exactly bright and shiny.
I am certain the part has to be returned, however I am now curious if
the part wasnt used once and returned before it was shipped to me.  For
those of you who have received a new MC before, did it come with a clean
dry reservoir?  What condition was the metal on the outside of the MC?
Bright and sh! iny or a little dull?  Just want to have my ducks in a
row when I make my phone call to TRF.  Just a tad bit of frustration
here.  Thanks for your help. 
Aaron CropleyTopsham, Maine

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