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Re: Just curious

To: "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com>,
Subject: Re: Just curious
From: Greg Dito <dito9561@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:06:47 -0400
Talk to the members of the Long Island Triumph Association (LITA).  They're in 
the process of building a 6" wider TR-6 that includes scratchbuilding a new 
chassis.  It is not an exact duplicate but may provide what you're looking for. 
 If they kept measurements all you would need to do is cut 6" from their width 
dimensions.  The LITA website covers this adventure.   

If you good a math, geometry in particular, you could calculate undefined 
dimensions off of the chassis layout in Bentley Manual.  Many are already 
given.  But it is not an evening task for sure!

> From: "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com>
> Date: 2003/09/22 Mon PM 04:37:44 EDT
> To: "6-Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>, 
>    "Triumphs@autox. Net"
>   <Triumphs@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Just curious
> Is there somewhere something that might approximate a blueprint of a TR6
> frame?  With all the important dimensions and such?
> R. Ashford Little II
> www.geocities.com/ralittle2

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