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Interesting fact

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Interesting fact
From: "Robert L. Gannon" <trsix74@comcast.net>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 07:16:47 -0400
Last year I was looking for help regarding fuel starvation on sharp left hand
turns under acceleration. I tried everything to correct the matter, but
couldn't resolve the issue. I finally decided  just to live with it and not
hit the accelerator when making left turns and expect a result. This year I
increased the rear ride height,due to the constant scraping of my pipes in my
driveway and over speed bumps in all the developments. I did this by putting
spacers in the spring set up. It changed the negative camber , which I
expected, but it also resolved the fuel starvation problem. Go figure! Brmm,
Robert not "Bob"  Gannon

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