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Re: TR6 Front Hub spec.

To: Jim Davis <jdavis344@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: TR6 Front Hub spec.
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 23:59:21 -0400
Hi Jim,

What are "modern" front oil seals, how are they different from the
originals, and what advantages do they offer?

I just bought a bearing kit and the oils seals seem to look like the
originals on the car.


Do you folks use wheel bearing drivers to install the wheel bearing
races? The drivers are kind'a hard to find, so I bought these on eBay.
Maybe they are junk? JCWhitney sells what appears to be the same thing
for $10.00 more.


I was advised the drivers are helpful but maybe not required. A customer
in the parts store said he used a piece of pipe to do it. Bentley
doesn't say much about R/R the wheel bearing races. Never did this

Don Malling

Jim Davis wrote:
 > I installed new "modern" front oil seals on my hubs but I still feel
 > they are too loose after using the Haynes Manual technique of tightening
 > to 10 lbs. torque and backing off 1.5-2 flats. Actually, when I only
 > back off the recommended # of flats the hub feels as if it's binding a
 > bit so I back off a bit more. Should I feel a bit of binding when
 > adjusting as instructed? How much play should there be when grabbing the
 > wheel at the 12-6 o'clock position?
 > I don't want to burn a bearing up on the way to the TRials next week,
 > but I also don't feel comfortable with the slack I have now.
 > All suggestions and opinions welcome,,.
 > Jim Davis
 > Fortson, GA
 > CF38690UO

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