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Re: yellow striped hoses

To: "Steve R." <triumphtr6@cox.net>, 6-Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: yellow striped hoses
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 23:16:06 -0400
The yellow hoses are no longer available, unless you include home made ones.

My understanding from talking to the TR250 guru at the TRF summer party 
was that there were two different styles. The later version was silk 
screened on the cloth covered hoses and the earlier version was yellow 
colored rubber and was part of the hose -- forgot what he called it, but 
it was not painted on or silk screened on as were the later ones. The 
earlier hoses were not cloth covered -- they were the typical smooth 
black hoses.

I have one of the later hoses (silk screened), and the yellow stripe is 
1/2" wide. The black "stripe" is also 1/2" wide. The pitch of the spiral 
is also 1/2".

Imagine the stripe pitch looking like /////// where the right hand edge 
of the  yellow stripe at the top of the hose lines up with the left hand 
edge of the next stripe on the bottom of the hose.

On the earlier version -- the non silk screened one, the pitch is much 
more elongated or stretched out.

At the TRF party I was left with the impression that both the early and 
late versions that were on the cars were NOS. I could be mistaken about 
  the earlier ones -- the smooth black ones. Maybe they were someone's 
reproduction. But the later silk screened ones were identical to my 
original ones.

Also, for the silk screened ones it appears that the silk screening took 
place while the hoses were straight, and then bent later. The stripes 
are closer together on the inside radius of the bend and wider apart on 
the outside radius.

I would like to try to make some, if I could find some yellow flexible 
paint that would stick well to the black rubber hoses. I bought some at 
an arts/crafts shop but have not tried it yet.

I think Vance found some, but I could never find in at my local stores 
-- can't remember what brand it was.

Don Malling

Steve R. wrote:
> Can you buy the yellow hoses anymore? I have a brochure and it looks like I
> need one. If not might be above and below of asking this..can anyone get a
> measure on the strip and let us know how thin it is. 
> Much appreciated
> Steve R.
> 72' TR6 (project)
> 79' Spitfire 
> www..newenglandtriupnhs.org
> www.triumphtr6.net
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