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Re: Rechrome Quality

To: steve bridge <slbridge@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Rechrome Quality
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 17:54:48 -0400
Hi Steve,

This experience has brought me to the same conclusion -- prep work is 

The problem was I didn't know whether I need major prep work or not. I 
specifically asked them about the light housings. He held them in his 
hand and said they didn't look too bad, and would be fine. I guess I 
should have reminded him to not grind holes them :-)

Some parts came out fine and others were crap. Makes me think one guy 
knew what he was doing and another guy didn't. One headlight rim came 
out fine, and the other was wavy and full of tool marks.

The valve cover was crap. They ground holes in it in places and then 
filled them with something, but the workmanship was really poor. To be 
fair he told me he may have trouble with the valve cover, but I thought 
there would be some pits left in it. The thing is covered with grinding 
marks, and down in the gasket lip, it looks like the rust was never 
treated at all, or not very well. There's lots of black rough looking 
spots down in the lip.

Too bad...

Don Malling

steve bridge wrote:
>      I had an opportunity to visit a plating operation and what amazed 
> me the most was the finish of a piece before the plating process began.  
> A Winchester rifle ready for plating looked as though it had been plated 
> already.  The finish was sanded with progressively finer sandpaper until 
> it shined like chrome.  So I can see where deep pitting would be more 
> expensive to fill and prep as opposed to polishing it out and leaving a 
> ripple.
>     I have made potmetal welding rod from broken trim to be used with a 
> TIG welder to make repairs on broken trim.  I don't know if  that's what 
> they use to fill pits for the concours type plating, but I'm sure any 
> method is time consuming and costly.  After the trip throough the 
> plating plant, I have thought of doing my own prep work since I know 
> best how far I want to go with a piece.
> SD Steve
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