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Re: TR6 Glove Box Check Strap Found!

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>, "Tom Di Iulio" <diiulio@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: TR6 Glove Box Check Strap Found!
From: "Robert L. Gannon" <trsix74@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 20:39:23 -0400
Well what a nice response to the list.
I was just thinking to myself about listers that answer and respond and how
over the years, it seems to have changed. I mean the way we communicate.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't been an angel myself, but I get this
increasing feeling that we are loosing valuable resources amongst our many
readers and writers as we forget to cross our t's and dot our i's and
remember to thank those that help us enjoy our sporty cars. I remember when
I first got on to the list there was this person called 'Grandma Hoses'. I
am not sure if it was a he or a she but either way, had a wealth of
information and always a great laugh about everything that went on. Gone and
not heard from for years. Of late, it seems that we are at each others
throats when ever anything itches our butts. George Bush SR. said something
about a kinder and gentler nation! Is this who we are? I want to thank you
for listening to me rant. I guess I am miffed at the person who wanted a
resource for a front license plate. Got one for him, sent pictures and
quoted what I thought was a reasonable asking price.....still waiting for a
response! Well maybe I expecting too much. A simple thanks but no thanks
would do.
Robert not "Bob"  Gannon

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