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RE: Rough idle when warm (Fixed!!!!!)

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Rough idle when warm (Fixed!!!!!)
From: "Mark Martin" <markmartin@adelphia.net>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 17:10:24 -0400
A special thanks to all those who responded.this list is great.  As of
yesterday, I'm back on the road.  I replaced the points, rotor, etc and
still had the elusive miss.  I then checked the carbs and they showed a
perfect blue flame.looked as if no adjustment was required.  I did dump the
oil from the dashpot and refill them both with 20W50 as I wasn't sure what
the PO had used in them.

Scratching my head, I went to start the car and begin looking at everything
AGAIN.  This time, there was no fire to the plugs or from the coil (this had
never happened before).  Checked the voltage to the coil and it was 12VDC.
Still nothing from the coil.  Ordered a coil and electronic ignition.  Two
days later and 20 minutes to install and the car starts as soon as you hit
the key.first time, every time.  No missing.no power issues and I didn't
even have to set the timing.

So, looks like the culprit was the coil (along with dashpot oil????).  The
coil may have been breaking down under the heat as the miss would get worse
as the engine warmed up.

Thanks again for the suggestions and the help.

Mark Martin
72 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Mark Martin
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 7:56 AM
To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Cc: markmartin@adelphia.net
Subject: FW: Rough idle when warm

I'm a relatively new TR6 owner (last year) and need some advice.  The car
developed a slight miss last month so I checked the points, rotor, plugs,
etc and everything looked good.  I then cleaned the fuel filter and still, I
had just a slight miss.  Checked the timing and it was good.  I then checked
the dashpot oil and noticed one was low.  I had asked the PO what type oil
he used and it was simply Castrol GTX 20W50.  I added oil to the dashpot and
now I really have problems.  The car runs great when COLD.  Accelerates well
and no miss...however, when it gets to operating temp it begins to cut-out
and idles very rough.  I can't get the idle below 1200RPM without killing
the engine.  It's practically non-drivable when warm.  Also, the retard is
very slow.

Any thoughts?  I haven't adjusted the carbs yet as I've heard the horror
stories.  I have purchased an air flow meter and the Gunson's ColorTune.
However, before I start tuning the carbs should I look for something else?

Help...the weather is beautiful and I'm stuck the garage!!!!!!


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