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TR6 Wiper Motor part needed

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: TR6 Wiper Motor part needed
From: Jon <britishtr6@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 08:52:11 -0500
Hello everyone,

I am looking for a interesting part. I know it is probably a really long 
shot, but just the same, I wanted to ask the list to see if anyone has this 
little part I am looking for!!

I am in need of one of the curved magnets that are inside the housing case 
of the wiper motor. One of mine is broken and I really don't want to buy a 
brand new wiper motor just to get the one little part I need. I am willing 
to pay...can anyone help me out?

I just had to ask!!

Cheers, Jon

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