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Re: Hot Wheels- Follow up

To: rangercs@bellsouth.net, 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Hot Wheels- Follow up
From: Acekraut11@aol.com
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 00:03:33 -0400
Your description of the condition of the brakes and the emergency brakes is 
unclear to me.  The rear brakes on the TR6 are pretty simple and there isnt 
much to bind.  If the shoes are pretty thin then I would suggest replacing 
them.  At the same time I would inspect the entire rear brake system.  As a 
system, it isnt that complicated and using the information on the 
www.buckeyetriumphs.org website it should be pretty straight forward to inspect 
and then replace what is necessary.  You havent indicated what has been done to 
the brakes recently, if anything.  Binding could be caused by rust, brake dust, 
dirt, or all of the above, and if your rear wheel cylinders are getting old, 
they may not be operating as they should.  The brake adjusters may also not be 
operating properly.  When I took mine apart, it took me over an hour of 
cleaning and gentle manipulating until it became unfrozen and began to work 
like it was designed to.  
Your problem maybe within the emergency brake system alone.  However, as a word 
of caution, your problem may be with the wheel cylinders or the brake 
adjusters, and if that is the case, you may be slowly losing your rear brakes.  
Disconnecting the e-brake cables may solve one problem, but create a bigger 
one.  Please make sure you check the operation of the rear brakes with the 
e-brakes disconnected to make sure they are still working as designed.  Once 
again, in your original post you said that both rear wheels were hot and in 
this last post you have said that you disconnected the e-brake at both rear 
wheels.  This seems to point to an e-brake problem that is most likely located 
at the e-brake handle since that is the one place that would effect both rear 
wheels in a similar fashion.  I would start here to see if the e-brake handle 
and mechanism is working properly.  It is easy to access from inside the car 
without tearing the interior completely out.  Just remove the rear tunnel 
covering over the e-brake and you will have a great view.  I maybe telling you 
things you have already tried or ruled out.  If so you have my apologies.  I 
have tried to paint a broad stroke but there is nothing like an in person 
inspection to answer some of your questions.  I am sure others will have good 
suggestions also.  Good luck and keep us up to date of your progress.
Aaron CropleyTopsham, Maine

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