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RE: Ballast resistor question

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Ballast resistor question
From: "Stephen Hanselman" <tr6@kc4sw.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 07:51:10 -0700
Mark, (et. al.)

OK you caught me:)

But, the issue is not really the amount of current flow through the ballast
resistor and coil but the voltage across the coil.

Assume that the ballast resistor causes a drop of voltage from 12VDC to 8VDC
at the high side of the coil and that in a normally operating car the spark
output is 25KV.  If we attach a power supply set to 8 volts and allow it to
supply as much current as possible, the spark coil would still put out 25KV.


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