List---Someone had asked how to tell if he had the 3.70:1 ratio, without
removing the cover and counting teeth. I later received a message
suggesting that this ratio could be found by "turning the prop shaft and
marking the tire". If I understood him correctly, the propshaft should
turn 3.7 turns for one full turn of the tire. I asked if he wanted to
share is with the list, since it seemed to be worthwhile information.
Seeing nothig further on this to the list, I checked this theory with a
spare diff, known to be the standard 3.7:1. Here's what I found:
One turn of the prop shaft (flange) was equal to 195 deg. of axle flange
(or tire) rotation. The other gears in the diff upset a direct
relationship of 3.7:1 when trying to use the tire, and the math here is
too fuzzy for me to figure out.
Still, it can be determined if you have the std. 3.7:1 ratio without
mounting a degree wheel. Put a mark on both the prop shaft and tire and
turn the prop shaft exactly 24 times. The "tire" will turn exactly 13
times and both should end up on their marks.
One rear tire should be on the ground to do this check, to be sure the
other side always turns.
If I missed a more obvious way, I'd be interested to know.