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FW: Polishing question

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: FW: Polishing question
From: "Kronberg, Peter" <Peter.Kronberg@hp.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 07:28:27 -0600
Hey All,
I can't get ahold of the original author, but does anyone else have some
ideas? Ross' article is under the Maintenance Handbook link on the
VTR.org main page http://www.vtr.org/maintain/polishing-waxing.html

Thanx in advance, as usual.

'76 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: Kronberg, Peter
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 4:01 AM
To: 'RVincenti@lbfc.com'
Subject: Polishing question

Hi Ross,
I really appreciate your VTR article on washing, polishing and waxing...
However, I have a question.
I just purchased a '76 TR6 from a guy who thought wax was a panacea for
everything that ailed the paint. There's some "orange peel", paint
blisters, runs and other little blemishes that he chose to
simply..."apply more wax" to prevent rust...
Consequently, there's a lot of wax buildup, which isn't such a bad
thing...the paint's in otherwise pretty good shape. However, I am
interested in polishing, in addition to waxing...
Here's my question:
Does polishing remove old wax buildup, or should I treat the paint
surface with something prior to polishing? Also, your description of
polishing by buffer scares me- I think I'm going to use the hand method.
Thanx in advance,

'76 TR6

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