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Broken trailing arm

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Broken trailing arm
From: Tommy Thompson <segerguy@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 16:10:57 -0800 (PST)
Just before I took the 6 into the paint shop 2 weeks ago I replaced the left 
trailing arm on my 73.  See this link of the photo

Look at that huge whole in the darn thing!  I can't imagine how that happened!  
I've only had the car since July and I KNOW that didn't happen on my watch!  We 
figure the PO blew a Universal joint and it popped right through the trailing 
arm.  If that was the case, not replacing the trailing arm at that time could 
of been very dangerous to him and utimiately ME!  Thanks PO!!!  I was able to 
pick up a good used trailing arm on Ebay for $56.00 and installed 

I only changed the arm because I thought it would help with my camber, and it 
did somewhat...but not all.  I sure am glad I did!

Anybody ever seen anything like that or have ideas of how that happened? 

 The present U-joint is in good shape, so I know that it wasn't that bugger!


Tommy Thompson (Segerguy@yahoo.com)

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