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Re: Battery tray

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Battery tray
From: HalMorton@webtv.net (Harold M. Morton)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:52:00 -0600 (CST)
Ronald, list,                                                  In the
latest mailing from TRF, the "tabloid" style newsletter, on page 9 they
list part # CAR2, a Battery Tray Repair Section. It is in the "Bulkhead
(Firewall) Details" section, mid page, left column. Also, Revington in
the UK lists a part # 815834C, "Centre panel- battery tray with battery
clamp lugs". Revington may well be where TRF is getting their part. I
have no direct knowledge of either of these parts- have never seen them
or talked to the suppliers about them, and NFI.

Hal Morton                                                  Pascagoula,

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