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Re: Door spacing

To: jjtarnow@yahoo.com (Josh Tarnow)
Subject: Re: Door spacing
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 23:26:36 -0800 (PST)
Josh---It's possible that some weather stripping is keeping the door
from closing far enough. Here's one way to tell:

Cut up waxed paper into strips around four inches wide. With the door
open, lay these strips over the length of the sill, letting them hang to
the ground, and close the door. Start pulling out the strips. Any tight
ones will show if and where....

Chances are better that the latch has simply moved out too far to close
the door flush, the way we like. You can use a marking pen to outline
the latch (with the three screws) for a reference point, then loosen
them up enough to where you can knock them back. Tighten and try the


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