Joe---Add the second pin to the fork and cross shaft. It's good
insurance against primary pin failure. A tight fit in the tapered bore
of the shaft will keep the primary pin from flexing during clutch
Use Roger William's "twin pipe" test to see how much the operating shaft
arm will move before the fork responds. This test will resemble the
force necessary to disengage the clutch, and let you know if lost motion
here due to flexing and play, is enough to cause a disengagement
problem. I would consider lost motion of over 1/8 inch too much. This
kind of loss is not taken up by the slave cylinder, because it is
generally springy.
If the clutch cross shaft doesn't wobble in the bell housing bearings,
they're probably OK. If you want to extend the service life in this
area, double up of the bearings on each side of the case. This will also
give a new contact area to a possible worn shaft. You can also turn worn
bearings in the case away from the thrust side, if you don't have new
parts to replace them. Some owners add grease nipples here.