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Re: TR250 Wiper Motor and Gear box

To: 6pack list <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: TR250 Wiper Motor and Gear box
From: Peter Macholdt <vze2846b@verizon.net>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:06:05 -0500

As you've found, the 250 wiper motor is different than the 6. I think the
250 motor is a holdover from the TR4A. I have a spare in the basement and
just took it apart for a look.

The part labeled 14 in the TRF diagram is held on by a circlip which is not
shown at all in the TRF diagram. This clip has to be pried off (gently). You
cab then remove the contact spring for the parking switch and connecting

Let me know if you need more info. I'll take another look or send you a

'68 TR250

on 1/30/03 7:26 PM, Don Malling at dmallin@attglobal.net wrote:

> List, 
> Thanks to all who posted helpful hints.
> I have removed the wiper gear box cover, but the internals are not as
> many of you described nor as the Bentley or Haynes manual describes.
> There is no circle chip holding the gear wheel connecting rod it.
> The TRF TR250 parts manual shows it correctly. See
> http://www.geocities.com/pennylaine64/wiper.html
> There is a very strange looking slotted head which appears to be holding
> the connecting rod to the gear wheel rather than the circle clip as in
> the TR6's.
> It was late last night, and very cold (15), so I made a feeble attempt
> to unscrew it but it was tight and I decided to wait to see if TRF had
> these parts. I always have visions of forcing something that can't be
> replaced. These things are $200.00 rebuilt... Wow....
> Anyway I will try again tonight, or maybe wait for some confirmation
> from you TR250 guys. Dan Master's wiring manual does not appear to match
> the actual wiring either. But, maybe I'm reading it wrong.
> If anyone has done this on a TR250, let me know. The encouragement and
> confirmation always helps -- especially when it appears the only answer
> is more muscle or a bigger hammer. :-) $200.00 Yikes.
> Don

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