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Finished converting tranny

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Finished converting tranny
From: "Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 17:36:21 -0500
Hello Listers,

For all you fence-sitters out there, it's time to scrap that pathetic
thing you call a transmission and trade up; because if I can do it ( by
myself I might add) than most of you on the list probably can too.  I'm
still not sure if I can tune-up my 6 right but installing a van den Akker
conversion kit is like putting an Erector set together . . . put A into B
then take C to get balanced, etc,etc. Plus, I was able to talk to him at
any time on the phone and ask stupid questions. 

We're still in the big freeze up in the northeast but I took her for a
spin without the benefit of an assembled interior.  I immediately noticed
that the clutch petal grabbed higher up on the travel but everything was
engaged.  Of course it releases sooner.  I'm taking it easy for now but
the operation is like stirring paint . . . and 5th gear is a absolute
joy! ( about 2200rpm @ 60mph).

I just might buy me another scrap Celica tranny to have in stock . . .
I'm always seeing the glass 1/2 empty.  Herman has a winner! I don't know
how he can make it simpler for dummies like me.  In fact, I didn't
believe him when he said the drive-shaft will fit back in the tunnel with
the tranny installed. It's close but it fit!  

Al Graffam  CT  74TR6  French Blue ( waiting for my fenders to be
re-chromed and overriders to get a facelift)

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