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Re: Bad seat or long legs

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Bad seat or long legs
From: Jim Hurley <hurls@world.std.com>
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 23:02:09 -0500

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 Steve Yeager wrote:

>I have a real problem with the available distance from seat to gas peddle. I 
am 6-2 and find that trips greater than 30 min. can be a leg cramp. Anybody 
with experience in aftermarket seats or modification of the peddle? I,m not 
necessarily looking for cheap, just some comfort. 

I'm 6-2 as well, although my  legs are a bit short. I find that  I am right
at the limit of the  size contraints for a TR6. Bigger folks may get in and
drive, but a long haul can be painful. 

One thing that helped a bit was to install a smaller steering wheel. I
found a nice mahogany one from TRF that looks great, save about an inch of
room between my knee and the wheel. This lets me move my leg a bit.


Jim Hurley                      "Life is too short for a backfire!"
'75 TR6
'83 F350 4 Door

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