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Re: Suspension springs and lowering?'s

To: rsh17@msn.com (Richard Seaton)
Subject: Re: Suspension springs and lowering?'s
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 19:58:55 -0800 (PST)
Richard---Any time the rear is lowered it changes the rear wheel camber
towards a negative inclination. There are bracket combinations that
should get you back to the camber angle you like. 
This move also brings the trailing arm rubber bumpers closer to where
they 'bottom'. With the stouter springs, you may not encounter these
stops, unless you hit a speed bump, or something at speed. 
The front suspension should be OK. You'll have to be sure the shocks
have reasonable travel left. The camber won't change much, if at all.
(Hopefully it won't, as your early TR doesn't have the bracket shims
here to compensate.)

I have had similar spring rates in my '73 for many years. The ride feels
very secure at higher speeds, tho I admit it does crash over bumps at
lower speeds, especially with no load in the car.  All things
considered, I prefer this over what the car felt like when new in 1973.
I like the lowered look, also.


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