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Re: PI on 5 cylinders, again

To: "6Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: PI on 5 cylinders, again
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 20:50:36 -0000
It's highly possible this problem is ignition related - but there again, it
may not be. Could be a blocked injector, incorrectly set pressure relief
valve, incorrect datum track settings on the metering unit - or any
combination of these in varying degrees. With the greatest respect to all
those on the list who have carburettered cars, solving PI problems is not
the same as dealing with Strombergs if the prob isn't ignition. What's more,
"fiddling" with things to try and find the cure to the misfire may only
serve to compound it and make it more elusive than ever! If a compression
test is done, the acceptable pressure reading is betwee 160 and 185psi for a
unwor engine
My recommendation (FWIW) is to set up an email exchange with
Mike is UK based, undertakes extensive Lucas PI recalibration work as fitted
to Triumphs and is a foutainhead of knowledge on troubleshooting. What's
more, he's a thoroughly likeable individual who will be happy to give you
the benefit of his experience without you having to buy something from him
first. He comes with my full recommendation for any Triumph PI owner who is
addled by the vagaries of the Lucas mechanical system and I'm confident
he'll be able to offer reliable pointers to cure the problem for good.
Give him a try


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