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RE: RE: TR-6 performance (update)

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: RE: TR-6 performance (update)
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 19:26:17 -0500

Are you assuming that I have purchased these! And am now willing to give
them away!

No, I make them...money is not the issue...time is. It cost practically
nothing in raw materials to make a set of rockers.

I know this is going to come as a huge shock...but I have a lot of
friends with machine shops...I have helped them when they were at their
wits end!!!
They could care less that I may be a little forth-right...they just
wanted their problem solved.

They reciprocate by allowing me free run of their shops.

I like to think that time is money...so when I say that it costs me
money to have them made...it is an accurate statement.


-----Original Message-----
Am I the only one wondering what Jim does that he has enough money
laying around to give out 12 sets of roller rockers??    

Tim Holbrook
1971 TR6

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