Nothing wrong with Panasports, Robert. But there's nothing wrong with
choice, either! I got one response to my question about the Winter 2002
issue of British Motoring from Moss (page 9) showing another wheel
on a TR6. That lister thought maybe those were BBS wheels. Anyone
else have a guess?
By the way, Robert, do you know if the cracks you mention are visible
to the naked eye or are they dye-penetrant-visible only?
Dave Friedlander
"Robert M. Lang" wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 wrote:
> > Dave Friedlander wrote:
> >
> > > Listers;
> > > Can anyone tell me if they know of brands of wheels available for the TR6,
> > > Plus-one sized or not, that fit the offset requirements and other
> > dimensions the
> > > TR requires, OTHER THAN the Panasport or Mini-lite (replicas) now offered
> > by the
> > > Big Three? Moss' Winter 2002 issue of British Motoring shows a TR6 with an
> > > interesting possibility on page 9 of the issue. Anyone know what wheels
> > those
> > > are?
> > > Dave Friedlander
> > > CF25194UO
> >
> > Rimmer Brothers sell a set of wheels from Revolution (you can see 'em at
> > <> - called traditional 5-spoke) that
> > can be had in TR6-appropriate size & offset. You can also buy them direct
> > at the above website. I've not seen them on a TR6, but I think they look
> > pretty nice. Anybody got a picture of them installed?
> I have a set of Revolution 5-spokes on my race car. I can't find a good
> picture that shows them up, but if you get no replies to your request,
> ping me and see what I can turn up (it's kind of hard to shoot pictures of
> your own car while you're driving it, but I do have a few pics of my
> car!).
> The ones I have are a bit different than the "traditional 5 spokes". The
> ones I have are three piece wheels with a lot of positive offset. Frankly,
> it's the only set I've ever seen on a TR6, in fact I bought them from a
> guy who had originally bought them for his race prepped TVR 2500 (original
> owner was Scott Witt from somewhere near Staunton, VA.)
> But these are pretty good wheels. I will point out (however) that GRM
> magazine used these 5-spoke wheels on the "Zero to Hero" VW Golf, and they
> indicated problems with cracking. Hence, if you go this route and you want
> to stay ahead of the maintenance curve, you need to add "check wheels for
> cracks" to your list of to-do's.
> Jumping back to the original question - what's wrong with Panasports?
> > John Dombey
> > CC29532U
> regards,
> rml
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